"At the end of a short period I began to feel that the prayer had,
so to speak, passed to my heart. In other words I felt that my heart in
its natural beating began, as it were, to utter the words of the prayer.
For instance, ONE "Lord"; TWO "Jesus"; THREE "Christ," and so forth. No
longer did I say the prayer with my lips, but listened attentively to
the words formed in my heart, remembering what my departed elder told me
about this state of bliss. Then I began to feel a slight pain in my
heart, ..."
The Way of a Pilgrim.
今年の引用集、1月分は終わりましたが、#1, 15, 16がフランス語だったので、英語で読めるものに差し替えます。学生たちの日々の英語学習という目標のために。もっとも、前のものもそのまま残しておきます。
Tuesday 31 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #15 (replaced)
"Anyway, I loved Graham Greene. His words were filled with a
discomfort I related to. There were all kinds of discomforts on offer.
Discomforts of guilt, sex, Catholicism, unrequited love, forbidden lust,
tropical heat, politics, war. Everything was uncomfortable, except the
I loved the way he wrote. I loved the way he'd compare a solid thing to something abstract. 'He drank the brandy down like damnation.' I loved this technique even more now, because the divide between the material and non-material worlds seemed to have blurred. With depression. Even my own physical body seemed unreal and abstract and partly fictional."
I loved the way he wrote. I loved the way he'd compare a solid thing to something abstract. 'He drank the brandy down like damnation.' I loved this technique even more now, because the divide between the material and non-material worlds seemed to have blurred. With depression. Even my own physical body seemed unreal and abstract and partly fictional."
Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive.
Quotes 2017 #1 (replaced)
"Supposing it wasn't true that the earth had already existed long
before I was born---how should we imagine the mistake being discovered?"
(Angenommen, es sei nicht wahr,
dass die Erde schon lange vor meiner Geburt existiert hat, wie hat man
sich die Entdeckung dieses Fehlers vorzustellen?)
Wittgenstein, On Certainty.
Wittgenstein, On Certainty.
Quotes 2017 #31
"No woman would kill a whale. Whales give birth to livin' young, they
don't lay eggs like fish. They feed their babies with milk from their
breasts, like women, and we never killed them. The man who killed the
whale never tasted whale meat from the time of his first kill until
after he'd retired as a whaler. And neither did his wife, because he had
to be purified and linked to the whale and the link was through his
wife, by way of the woman's blood and woman's milk, and this was a
promise made by Copper Woman, through the magic women, to the whales. No
one linked to them will eat of them. It is a promise."
Anne Cameron, Daughters of Copper Woman.
Anne Cameron, Daughters of Copper Woman.
Monday 30 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #30
"The job I mentioned lasted just one day. I took the men out and
carried the thing through to success, sore feet, and numb limbs, --but,
--there was no work to be done next day, nor the next, ...
Hart Crane, Letter to William Wright, Oct. 17, 1921.
Hart Crane, Letter to William Wright, Oct. 17, 1921.
Sunday 29 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #29
"In the morning I felt so fresh for writing, but now the idea that I
am to read to Max in the afternoon blocks me completely. This shows too
how unfit I am for friendship, assuming that friendship in this sense
is even possible."
Kafka, December 30, 1911.
Kafka, December 30, 1911.
Saturday 28 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #28
"A man can't sleep. He takes a job driving a cab all night. On his
first shift a woman gets in. 'By the river,' she says. They drive
downtown, across the sleepy clacking of the bridge. At the far end of
the bridge the road simply descends underwater. The man is surprised but
strangely unalarmed. The cab sinks down below the lamps and sidewalks,
into the waves. 'This is fine here,' says the woman. When she pays, the
scales on her body shimmer in the man's eyes."
Barry Yourgrau, Wearing Dad's Head.
Barry Yourgrau, Wearing Dad's Head.
Friday 27 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #27
"H.'s stories yesterday in the office. The stone breaker on the highway
who begged a frog from him, held it by the feet and with three bites
swallowed down first the little head, then the rump and finally the
feet. -- The best way to kill cats, who cling stubbornly to life:
Squeeze their throats in a closed door and pull their tails..."
Kafka's Diary, September 18, 1912.
Kafka's Diary, September 18, 1912.
Thursday 26 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #26
"Dad has always had a fear of flying. They were the only times in my
childhood that I could recall him drinking. As a rule, he avoided
flying, we traveled by car if we were going anywhere, regardless of how
far it was, but sometimes he had to, and then it was a case of knocking
back whatever alcoholic drinks were available in the airport café."
Karl Ove Knausgaard, My Struggle Book 1.
Karl Ove Knausgaard, My Struggle Book 1.
Wednesday 25 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #25
"It's curious to think of the ground between the trenches, a bank
which is practically never seen by anyone in the daylight, as it is only
safe to move through it at dark. It's full of dead things, dead animals
here and there, dead unburied animals, skeletons of horses destroyed by
shell fire. It's curious to think of it later on in the war, when it
will again be seen in daylight."
T.E. Hulme, quoted by John Gray in The Silence of Animals.
T.E. Hulme, quoted by John Gray in The Silence of Animals.
Tuesday 24 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #24
"What's certain, what I immediately experienced, when, around the
age of thirty, I began to enjoy writing, was that this pleasure always
communicated somewhat with the death of others, with death in general."
Michel Foucault, Speech Begins after Death.
Michel Foucault, Speech Begins after Death.
Monday 23 January 2017
My understanding
"Is my understanding only blindness to my own lack of understanding? It often seems so to me." (Wittgenstein)
(Ist mein Verständnis nur Blindheit gegen mein eigenes Unverständnis? Oft scheint es mir so.)
(Ist mein Verständnis nur Blindheit gegen mein eigenes Unverständnis? Oft scheint es mir so.)
Sunday 22 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #23
"The myth is always the starting point of all poetry, including the
realistic, except that in the latter we accompany the myth in its
descent, in its fall. This collapse of the poetic is the theme of
realistic poetry."
José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote.
José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote.
2月11日、みんなで山に行きませんか? シンガー・ソングライターの優河さんと、以下のイベントをします。きっとお天気、きっと気持ちいいよ。
1月31日は下北沢B&Bへどうぞ! ドリアン助川さんと、サン=テグジュペリ『星の王子さま』についてとことん語り合います。原文朗読もやるよ。
27日(金)〜29日(日)にかけて、Port Bと鳳甲美術館による北投ヘテロトピアのまとめのイベントを、台湾文化センターで開催します。この驚くべきプロジェクトの全貌を知る、またとない機会です。ぜひ、いらしてください。
Quotes 2017 #22
"The rule is not not to eat animal meat. The rule is not to kill. So
when we encounter a dead doe on the road, we express our gratitude to
Earth and eat it. We must eat it so that life is not wasted. When we
stumble upon a dead pigeon in the dark, we thank Heaven and pluck it.
Thus I've eaten rabbits, weasels, raccoons."
Kyoko Yoshida, "Squirrel Heaven"
Kyoko Yoshida, "Squirrel Heaven"
I just love, love, love this piece. She's definitely one of the most exciting English-language writers today!
Saturday 21 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #21
"The first stuffed animals were produced, and the most expensive were
covered with real animal skin--usually the skin of still-born calves."
John Berger, About Looking.
John Berger, About Looking.
Friday 20 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #20
"Essays should always be written neatly and legibly. Only a bad
essay-writer forgets to apply himself to the clarity of both the
thoughts and the letters. You should always think first before you
Robert Walser, A Schoolboy's Diary (Damion Searls trans.)
Robert Walser, A Schoolboy's Diary (Damion Searls trans.)
Thursday 19 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #19
When I was four I followed my youngest uncle
five miles across fields reclaimed from the sea,
on and on until my little legs were buckling
by the time we reached the sea that went soaring up to the sky.
Ko Un, "The Wife from Kwi Island"
five miles across fields reclaimed from the sea,
on and on until my little legs were buckling
by the time we reached the sea that went soaring up to the sky.
Ko Un, "The Wife from Kwi Island"
Wednesday 18 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #18
"Here I am inclined to fight windmills, because I cannot yet say the
thing I really want to say." (Ich bin hier geneigt, gegen Windmühlen zu
kämpfen, weil ich das noch nicht sagen kann, was ich eigentlich sagen
Wittgenstein, On Certainty.
Wittgenstein, On Certainty.
Tuesday 17 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #17
"Supermarket produce sections have long been one of America's
underappreciated wonders. We think of supermarkets as being the places
where food is bought and sold, but they are simply the most visible part
of the massive, hidden network that sprawls out beneath them---and this
is especially true when it comes to produce."
Tracie McMillan, The American Way of Eating.
Tracie McMillan, The American Way of Eating.
Monday 16 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #16
"Philosopher commence plutôt avec ce que j'ai, le mal dont je souffre,
la pathologie qui me travaille. Avoir donc, plutôt que Être..."
(Jean-Clet Martin, Deleuze)
(Jean-Clet Martin, Deleuze)
Sunday 15 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #15
"La soirée sur FR3 (il y a déjà longtemps) a été bouleversante. Vous
donnez à la poésie une vie, une force, une rigueur qui n'a d'égale que
chez les plus grands poètes. Vous êtes de ceux-là."
Gilles Deleuze à Gherasim Luca, 4/3/89
Gilles Deleuze à Gherasim Luca, 4/3/89
Saturday 14 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #14
"I hesitated some time, not knowing whether to open these memoirs at
the beginning or at the end, i.e., whether to start with my birth or
with my death."
Machado de Assis, Epitaph of a Small Winner (trans. by William Grossman)
Machado de Assis, Epitaph of a Small Winner (trans. by William Grossman)
Friday 13 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #13
"There will soon be nothing more than self-communicating zombies,
whose lone umbilical relay will be their own feedback image - electronic
avatars of dead shadows who, beyond death and the river Styx, will
wander, perpetually passing their time retelling their own story."
Jean Baudrillard, Telemorphosis. (Drew Burk trans.)
Jean Baudrillard, Telemorphosis. (Drew Burk trans.)
Thursday 12 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #12
"The center of Sophia has not changed in seven thousand years.
Neolithic excavations say as much: Sophia is the only European city that
has stubbornly preserved its heart for so many millenia."
Julia Kristeva, Interviews.
This makes me want to go to Sophia...
Julia Kristeva, Interviews.
This makes me want to go to Sophia...
Wednesday 11 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #11
"Ah, I do like people who can get angry. Kraus gets angry on the slightest pretext. That is so beautiful, so humorous, so noble."
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten.
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten.
Tuesday 10 January 2017
「週刊朝日」1月20日号の「今週の一冊」コーナーに長めの書評を書きました。フランスを拠点に活躍する仲野麻紀さんの『旅する音楽 サックス奏者と音の経験』(せりか書房)について。
Quotes 2017 #10
"To say goodbye, and to have it said to me, is terrible. At such moments something gives human life a shake, and one feels vividly how nothing one is."
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten.
Monday 9 January 2017
MLA 2017
文学関係の学会としては世界最大の Modern Language Associationの年次大会、終了しました。今年はフィラデルフィアで開催。参加者は1万人ともいわれ、ものすごい数のパネルが木曜から日曜までびっしり行われます。古い友人たちとの情報交換や、文学・文化研究の新刊書を手にとってみるのにもいい機会。また大学のポジションに応募した人たちにとっては面接が行われるときでもあり、緊張した面持ちの若手の研究者がたくさん会場を行き交っています。
ぼくが参加したパネルは 1月6日(金)午後に行われました。"Nature and Disaster in the Contemporary Japanese Cultural Imagination" と題されたもので、ぼく、Alex Bates、Kathryn Hemmann、Douglas Slaymaker の4名が発表し、質疑応答がそれにつづきました。
ぼくの発表タイトルは "What About Animals? In the Wake of Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima" で、これまでに他のところでも話してきた古川日出男、木村友祐の震災後の作品を扱っていますが、時間が限られていることもあって、特に古川さんの戯曲『冬眠する熊に添い寝してごらん』に焦点を絞って話しました。途方もないユーモアをもって、明治以後の日本の歴史を鋭く問う傑作です。
ぼくが参加したパネルは 1月6日(金)午後に行われました。"Nature and Disaster in the Contemporary Japanese Cultural Imagination" と題されたもので、ぼく、Alex Bates、Kathryn Hemmann、Douglas Slaymaker の4名が発表し、質疑応答がそれにつづきました。
ぼくの発表タイトルは "What About Animals? In the Wake of Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima" で、これまでに他のところでも話してきた古川日出男、木村友祐の震災後の作品を扱っていますが、時間が限られていることもあって、特に古川さんの戯曲『冬眠する熊に添い寝してごらん』に焦点を絞って話しました。途方もないユーモアをもって、明治以後の日本の歴史を鋭く問う傑作です。
Quotes 2017 #9
"What does one remember of a face in the end? No, I didn't have a photograph, I only had my memory: and my memory was mine alone, it wasn't describable, it was the look I remembered on Xavier's face."
Antonio Tabucchi, Indian Nocturne.
Antonio Tabucchi, Indian Nocturne.
Sunday 8 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #8
"The Chinese use meat almost as a condiment, adding flavor, instead
of employing the Big Honking Slab culinary technique favored by
Bill McKibben, Eaarth.
Bill McKibben, Eaarth.
Saturday 7 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #7
"We walked on. Ah, these corridors of compulsory suffering and of terrible deprivation seemed endless to me, and perhaps they really were endless. The seconds were like whole lifetimes, and the minutes took on the size of anguished centuries. "
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten. (Christopher Middleton trans.)
Friday 6 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #6
"For I do not exist: there exist but the thousands of mirrors that
reflect me. With every acquaintance I make, the population of phantoms
resembling me increases. Somewhere they live, somewhere they multiply. I
alone do not exist."
Vladimir Nabokov, The Eye.
Vladimir Nabokov, The Eye.
Thursday 5 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #5
"If I close my eyes I see your ears, the left one sticking out more
than the right. My best friend at school used to claim that human ears
are like dictionaries and that, if you know how, you can look up words
in them. Limpid, for instance, Limpid."
John Berger, From A to X.
John Berger, From A to X.
Wednesday 4 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #4
" 'Why?' I asked. I was getting interested.
'I write postcards. It's me who writes the ladies and gents of Philadelphia now. Postcards with a nice sea and the deserted Calangute beach, and on the back I write: Best wishes from Mailman Tommy. I've got up to letter C. Obviously I skip the areas I'm not interested in and send them without a stamp, the person who gets it pays.'"
Antonio Tabucchi, Indian Nocturne.
Tuesday 3 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #3
"We only have sympathy to struggle and to write, Lawrence used to say. But sympathy is something to be reckoned with, it is a bodily struggle, hating what threatens and infects life, loving where it proliferates (no posterity or lineage, but a proliferation...).
Deleuze & Parnet, Dialogues (trans. Tomlinson & Habberjam)
Monday 2 January 2017
Quotes 2017 #2
"The natives use human excrement for tanning leather. When Bernal
Diaz came with Cortés to the great market-place of Mexico City, in
Montezuma's day, he saw the little pots of human excrement in rows for
sale, and the leather-makers going round sniffing to see which was the
best, before they paid for it."
D.H.Lawrence, Mornings in Mexico, 1927.
D.H.Lawrence, Mornings in Mexico, 1927.
Sunday 1 January 2017
2017! & Quote of the day #1
Happy new year to y'all, friends across the universe and multiverse! This year I will give you a quote a day. Here goes the first. Enjoy!
"L'écriture d'Artaud est située à un tel niveau d'incandescence, d'incendie, et de transgression, qu'au fond il n'y a rien à dire sur Artaud. Il n'y a pas de livre à écrire sur Artaud. Il n'y a pas de critique à faire d'Artaud. La seule solution serait d'écrire comme lui, d'entrer dans le plagiat d'Artaud."
Roland Barthes, Sur la littérature (avec Maurice Nadeau, 1980)
"L'écriture d'Artaud est située à un tel niveau d'incandescence, d'incendie, et de transgression, qu'au fond il n'y a rien à dire sur Artaud. Il n'y a pas de livre à écrire sur Artaud. Il n'y a pas de critique à faire d'Artaud. La seule solution serait d'écrire comme lui, d'entrer dans le plagiat d'Artaud."
Roland Barthes, Sur la littérature (avec Maurice Nadeau, 1980)
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