Saturday 27 June 2020
AO #179
Thus there is a convergence with the psychiatric elaboration of the notions of dissociation and autism. Hence the reason, perhaps, for the rapid diffusion that the Freudian account enjoyed. / What interests us is the precise role of the Oedipus complex in this convergence. (123)
Thursday 25 June 2020
AO #175
But on the other, the schizorevolutionary, pole, the value of art is no longer measured except in terms of the decoded and deterritorialize flows that it causes to circulate beneath a signifier reduced to silence, beneath the conditions of identity of the parameters, across a structure reduced to impotence; a writing with pneumatic, electronic, or gaseous indifferent supports, and that appears all the more difficult and intellectual to intellectuals as it is accessible to the infirm, the illiterate, and the schizos, embracing all that flows and counterflows, the gushings of mercy and pity knowing nothing of meanings and aims (the Artaud experiment, the Burroughs experiment). (370)
AO #174
In this perspective Foucault announced an age when madness would disappear, not because it would be lodged within the controlled space of mental illness ("great tepid aquariums"), but on the contrary because the exterior limit designated by madness would be overcome by means of other flows escaping control on all sides, and carrying us along. (321)
AO #169
But it is evident and striking that these are not persons. Their names [mother, father, son, etc.] do not designate persons, but rather the intensive variations of a "vibratory spiraling movement," inclusive disjunctions, necessarily twin states through which a subject passes on the cosmic egg. (158)
AO #164
The body without organs is an egg: it is crisscrossed with axes and thresholds, with latitudes and longitudes and geodesic lines, traversed by GRADIENTS marking the transitions and the becomings, the destinations of the subject developing along these particular vectors. (19)
AO #162
Nietzsche says: it is a matter of creating a memory for man; and man, who was constituted by means of an active faculty of forgetting (OUBLI), by means of a repressions of biological memory, must create an OTHER memory, one that is collective, a memory of words (PAROLES) and no longer a memory of thing, a memory of signs and no longer of effects. (144)
AO #161
At the beginning of LE RENARD PÂLE, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen sketch out a splendid theory of the sign: the signs of filiation, guide-signs and master-signs, signs of desire, intensive at first, which fall in a spiral and traverse a series of explosions before extending into images, figures, and drawings. (154)
Wednesday 24 June 2020
Wednesday 17 June 2020
Monday 15 June 2020
AO #160
The visit to London is our visit to Pythia. Turner is there. Looking at
his paintings, one understands what it means to scale the wall, and yet
to remain behind; to cause flows to pass through, without knowing any
longer whether they are carrying us elsewhere or flowing back over us
already. (132)
AO #159
When Robert Jaulin describes the little balls and pinches of snuff used
in a certain initiation ceremony, he shows that they are produced each
year as a sample taken from "an infinite series that theoretically has
one and only one origin," a single ball that extends to the very limit
of the universe. (36)
AO #158
A partial object is not representative, even though it admittedly serves
as a basis of relations and as a means of assigning agents a place and a
function; but these agents are not persons, any more than these
relations are intersubjective. They are relations of production as such,
and agents of production and antiproducton. (47)
Sunday 14 June 2020
MP #164
Le racisme ne détecte jamais les particules de l'autre, il propage les ondes du même jusqu'à l'extinction de ce qui ne se laisse pas identifier (ou qui ne se laisse identifier qu'à partir de tel ou tel écart). Sa cruauté n'a d'égale que son incompétence ou sa naïveté. (218)
MP #163
Voilà donc ce qu'il faudrait faire : s'installer sur une strate, expérimenter les chances qu'elle nous offre, y chercher un lieu favorable, des mouvements de déterritolialisation éventuels, des lignes de fuite possibles, les éprouver, assurer ici et là des conjonctions de flux, essayer segment par segment des continuums d'intensités, avoir toujours un petit morceau d'une nouvelle terre. (199)
MP #159
On appelait MATIÈRE le plan de consistance ou le Corps sans Organes, c'est-à-dire le corps non formé, non organisé, non stratifié ou déstratifié, et tout ce qui coulait sur un tel corps, particules submoléculaires et subatomiques, intensités pures, singularités libres préphysiques et prévitales. (58)
MP #155
En Europe, Henri Michaux tendait à se débarrasser plus volontiers des rites et des civilisations, pour dresser des protocoles d'expérience admirables et minutieux, épurer la question d'une causalité de la drogue, la cerner au maximum, la séparer des délires et des hallucinations. (346)
Wednesday 10 June 2020
MP #152
Un tableau est fait de près, même s'il est vu de loin. On dit de même que le compositeur n'entend pas : c'est qu'il a une audition rapprochée tandis que l'auditeur entend de loin. Et l'écrivain lui-même écrit avec une mémoire courte, tandis que le lecteur est supposé doué d'une mémoire longue. (615)
Tuesday 9 June 2020
Monday 8 June 2020
Sunday 7 June 2020
ぼくは温又柔さんとの共著『ミャオ!ミャオ!ミャオ! 中国貴州を旅して』と、ぼく単独の『アラスカ日記2014』を、出版してもらいました。いずれも定価500円。売り上げは、このソウルフルな書店支援のために、全額書店に。
ぼくは温又柔さんとの共著『ミャオ!ミャオ!ミャオ! 中国貴州を旅して』と、ぼく単独の『アラスカ日記2014』を、出版してもらいました。いずれも定価500円。売り上げは、このソウルフルな書店支援のために、全額書店に。
Wednesday 3 June 2020
Monday 1 June 2020
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